Barbie in a Hijab. Your First AI Friend. Some other Brogan and Hyperloop. - The Brief for 11.14.17

Here are the notes from the Chris Brogan Media broadcast for 11/14/17. (You can watch this on my Facebook account).The goal of these posts is that there are trends and ideas here that might impact your business now or soon. Think on the stories here and look for ways to adjust your business accordingly. If ever you’re stuck, get in touch with me and I can help.This live video was all shot using Ecamm Live (client), the best way to do Facebook Live for Mac.Please note that all links may be affiliate links. If someone is a client, I'll call that out specifically.

Stories Shared

What do the Chinese think are the big marketing trends of 2018? Here are 18 of them worth checking out.I shared Chinese marketing trends. Here are SEO trends for 2018 that you need to know about.One trend is a rise in loyalty behavior. You heard about the Keurig stuff, right? That's just the start.After receiving the most negative votes on a community comment reply in the history of Reddit, EA is going to change the pricing on the downloadable content for Star Wars Battlefront 2.Hey, your face might not be all that unique, it turns out. A $150 mask can crack your password on the new iPhones, according to this report.Need a friend who'll love you no matter what? What about an AI friend?So you've heard about these hyperloop things? Super fast subways, kinda? This guy named Brogan BamBrogan (Not kidding!) has one slated for Colorado soon.A big warning from the world's scientists says that our planet is in jeopardy. 15,000 of them from 184 countries signed this manifesto.But if we all die it's okay. Headless robot dogs will still be able to roam the planet.In more fun news, Mattel is rolling out its first Barbie in a hijab to celebrat Ibtihaj Muhammad, US Olympic medal winner.And want to see India's "King of Cosplay?" This Reinhardt is pretty dope.Hey, if this has been interesting, consider picking up my weekly newsletter. It's all unique ideas by me about how to improve buyer interactions and grow your business. Give it a peek

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Chloe Forbes-Kindlen

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